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Martin J. Waalkes, Ph.D., ABPP (rp)
Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation, at





The HAS is currently being submitted for publication.The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.
combi/coglog ( accessed ).






HAS Rating Form

You can download a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the HAS Form (78.56K).

The Hope Network Acuity Scale (HAS) is a measure of medical care and supervision needs in the neuro rehabilitation population. The HAS is appropriate to use with adults 18 years and older in care settings where supervision or structured check-in care support is provided and should be completed by a caregiver familiar with the full range of care needs required, and with direct experience observing and supporting behavior adjustment. 

Directions are integral to the scale, which was validated and normed without additional instruction. For each rating section, the rater is to circle areas that apply for each acuity item; this should represent the patient’s consistent presentation for the reporting period. Each acuity item is scored using the following rating scale: 

0 = generally consistent with independence or no care or supervision needs

1 = minimal care or supervision needs

2 = moderate care or supervision needs

3 = generally consistent with maximum care or supervision needs 

Subscales for each medical rating section and the total score are derived from a sum of the individual rated items.



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