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Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, PhD, ABPP, Virginia Commonwealth University at

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Kreutzer, J. (2000). The Service Obstacles Scale. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.
combi/sos ( accessed ).






SOS Syllabus

The SOS is used to capture individuals' perceptions of brain injury services in the community with regard to quality and accessibility. The SOS consists of 6 items that are completed by the individual whose perceptions are being measured. Administration is brief--rarely more than a few minutes--and can be completed by interview (including phone) or paper and pencil response.

Scoring for each item is as shown below (i.e., valid responses for each item can range from 1 to 7). The Satisfaction with Treatment Resources Component score is obtained by summing the individual responses for that component (item numbers 1, 4, 5, 6).

The SOS is in the public domain. Permission is not needed to use it.


1. DISAGREE strongly


3. DISAGREE slightly


5. slightly AGREE


7. strongly AGREE


Satisfaction with Treatment Resources Component:

1. I am dissatisfied with the amount of professional help and services being provided.

4. I don't know if there are good brain injury treatment resources in my community.

5. For brain injury related problems, there are very few resources in the community.

6. I have little confidence in the quality of care now being provided.


Transportation as an Obstacle:

2. Transportation is a major obstacle toward getting enough help.


Finances as an Obstacle:

3. Lack of money to pay for medical, rehabilitation, and injury related services is a major problem.


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